Monday, September 21, 2015

Enchanting Edinburgh

We pulled into Edinbourgh about midnight on a Friday night.  The experience reminded me of The Knight  Bus scene from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.  English cars and double decker buses whizzed around us as old flats, churches, and clock towers flashed outside the windows.  It felt like we would pull up to the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley at any moment.  
Saturday morning we ventured out with all the other tourists to see the sights of the city.  
I would describe all the buildings in the town as tall, dark, handsome, and very old.
We strolled past this Scottish wedding.  I loved the kilts and fancy hats.
I think John in an ergo is hot.  He is the best dad.   

We hiked up the hill to the castle but were content to go no further than the entrance.  We weren't in the mood to wrangle the kids and stroller around so many people and cobble stone steps.
We opted instead to spend a couple hours at the Scottish History Museum.  
We had a fantastic lunch at the cafe and the kids played in the children's section.
This Thai curry soup was definitely worth documenting.

After the museum the kids took turns napping and we found a beautiful park for a family game of hide-and-seek.
After hours of walking we enjoyed a pizza and calzone dinner at what is generally a small Italian take-out place.  The owner was very gracious and accommodating and pushed two tables together and rounded up enough chairs and dishes for our little fam.  It made for a private and relaxing dinner where we didn't have to worry about causing a scene.  Next we took a night time drive around the city.  The kids were good, the castle on the hill was majestic, and the scenery was surreal.  Traveling with three children isn't always easy, but days like these make the exhaustion and frustration totally worth it.  

After we left Scotland, John stayed behind to finish his work.  He had to travel through Edinburgh again and was able to go on the castle tour we opted out of with the kids.

I hope we can go back someday and do the castle tour for two.  


Steve Down said...


As usual, amazing pics!
Kids cuter than ever!
And you are prettier every year!


Anonymous said...

this is absolutely enchanting! how magical!!!

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