Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Here is a quick post to remember our first Christmas with John's fam in Oklahoma. It turned out to be a really relaxing vacay. John played with his very cute nieces and nephews, I spent some time getting to know my sister-in-laws better, and we both did a TON of eating. Don't worry, this time I came prepared with my Thanksgiving pants. (Urban Dictionary's explanation below). The highlight was probably going to the temple. They have a mini that is simply magnificent. All in all, Oklahoma was an awesome sauce way to end 08!

1. thanksgiving pants
Pants that are worn in anticipation of eating a huge meal (i.e. Thanksgiving dinner). These pants usually boast an elastic waist, to allow some give for the third helping of sweet potato pie.
Oh, and in case you were wondering....
2. awesome sauce
A way to describe something that is more awesome than just regular awesome. In other words, when the word awesome just can't describe how awesome something is.


Abbie&Trevor said...

You two are always traveling to fun places. I had elastic pants for Christmas this year. Once you get a good pair of cute pregnancy pants you won't want to go back.

Romney said...

I thought when awesome couldn't explain awesome you say "soakin" At least that's what Isaac told me, but maybe I'm wrong. Sounds like you had a good trip! It was good to see you before you left. Give us a call sometime!

cathyg said...

I love the new word...awesome sauce! (I've been wearing the thanksgiving pants for years!) Our family has quickly taken to Isaac's "soakin'" but we will now have to add awesome sauce! Thanks for the update!

ColleenDown said...

And where does one find this urban dictionary? John looks like a natural surrounded by kids. As much as I like babysitting the cat it would be fun to see you in some "thanksgiving pants."

Laura said...

Glad you had a good Christmas. It's always fun to spend it with in-laws that do different things... although it's most fun to be with your own family! (in my opinion.) I love the "thanksgiving pants" def.

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