Sunday, November 8, 2009

Busy Getting Our Cuddle On.

Today begins week 4 with our little James. And I'm using flu season as an excuse to hibernate and cuddle with our baby all winter long! These past weeks have seriously been the BEST time of our life. Like my mom said, motherhood is something you can't really explain, you just have to experience it. I think it feels like the high of going shopping and buying something you love, but unlike shopping, the euphoria doesn't go away. (We could be saving money, but since it takes me 20 wipes to change a diaper.. that won't be happening any time soon:)
I can't believe how excited I am to see my little guy, even when he wakes me up for his 4 am feeding. After he falls asleep, I have a hard time putting him back in his cradle. Before I go to bed, instead of the sick feeling I would get knowing I had work in the morning, I feel pure bliss knowing I get to wake up and spend the day being a mom.
The only thing I would change right now is all of the postpartum pain. It seriously has been tons harder than I ever thought! Right when I am starting to feel better, it seems like something else starts hurting. Right now I really want a blow up donut to sit on!
A few things I love about our little man:
-He is so good-natured and only cries when he needs changed or is hungry.
-He has been all smiles since the day he was born. And it's not gas, his grins are genuine!
-I like nursing more than I ever thought.
-He is a mini clone of John.
-He is such a little chunk and at his doctor appointment the nurse said he looks more like a 2 month old than a newborn.
-He recognizes my voice and gets excited to see me.
-He actually likes my horrible singing and falls asleep when he hears it.
-I am loving watching John be such a fabulous dad/husband.
-When he gets the hiccups/or cries he sounds like a little squeaky toy..ADORABLE!


ColleenDown said...

Thanks so much for posting. I miss the little guy so much. I am going to start showering in Clorox and come right over. He is so cute and yes, those are genuine smiles.

Cheryl said...

That entire post was awesome, but it was worth reading it for the last line about him sounding like a squeaky toy! Thanks for your perspective. And you'll be happy to know that when he turns about 14, he'll start squeaking again and you'll all get a good laugh out of it!

Chelsea said...

Jessica he seriously is so darn adorable!! And you look wonderful!

Romney said...

Who knew you could sit and stare at something for so long and be entertained? Being a mom is the best and you definitely just have to experience it! He's so cute! I can't wait to see him again!

cathyg said...

He's perfect! Thanks for sharing the cuddle time with me today! I love those moments when everything in the world feels perfect, enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

you're right, he does look like cassius! he is sooooo cute jessica! and he looks like he is 12 months old :) guess that's what happens when they come out looking like they could be 11 months! i miss you! he looks a lot like john in some pictures and then i definitly see you in others.
miss you

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