Sunday, November 15, 2009

Can't get my blue jeans on

Dearest Blue Jeans,

I am completely blue over not being able to wear you! Last night when I jumped the gun and tried to put you on, you were so terribly tight I could barely breathe! Alas, by the time I finally got you zipped, your hip hugging waist hit my incision with precision! I somberly took you off and put you back on the shelf until the next time I decide to do a shimmy dance just to fit in some dang pants.
Don’t get me wrong. I am thankful for my sisters designated c-section sweats she so generously loaned me during my time of need. They are pants that can go from day to night. Which comes in handy with an infant that makes it hard to tell the difference between the two. But ahh for that bedazzled back pocket that gives the illusion of a lifted booty. Oh, to tuck you into a comfy pair of boots or occasionally wear you with some high heels. I don’t know how practical that is with a little tyke and all, but one night a week, even to the grocery store would suffice. I am hoping that maybe in a month or two you will be back from your sabbatical. B/c all I want for Christmas is to fit back into you- my denim blue!

Yours Truly,



Heather said...

It's not fair that I get your Sevens and you get my old faded sweats. Not much of a trade is it.

ColleenDown said...

I say it is time to buy a new pair of Jeans--they do come in different sizes you know.

Chelsea said...

for the record... the fact that you got them zipped up is absolutely amazing!!!! I have the same Christmas wish too!

Anonymous said...

WHAT? Heather gave you BEDAZZLED sweats??? Chelsea gave me paint stained ones that were three inches too short. I think THAT is the part that is unfair!!!

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