Friday, June 8, 2012

Wet Paint

This week we've been painting up a storm...or at least painting while it storms.  I am enjoying the sound of pitter patter, Nora Jones playing on Pandora, and snacking on vermilion red watermelon.  Okay, so it isn't always so picture perfect when you give a kid a canvas.  But between the mess and madness, there are a few moments that for me, rival a Monet.

The gardens around here are so beautiful, after our bike rides I feel inspired to create.  I am enjoying the process of painting and not focusing too much on the big picture (since the end results never turn out quite like planned.  Hence the cropped picture;).  Ha ha.  C'est la vi.  Happy Friday friends.:)


ColleenDown said...

So glad you got brave and posted--it inspires me. There is so much I want to "create" but I always let other things get in the way. Thanks for the nudge-love the "Monet" of the falling rain and the splash of red on the canvas. (James is going to be one of the those all around geniuses when he grows up with his Dad's math brain and his Mom's art brain--like Einstein!)

Anonymous said...

Jess, love the painting! i wish we could paint together on these rainy days. James looks so much like John with short hair, he's getting so big!

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