Wednesday, October 12, 2011

James is Two part Deux...

We ended the day with... A superman soar around the house.

A special birthday light surprise in the backyard.

And a date with daddy to the Disney store to pick out a toy.
(Out of everything in the store, James carefully selected an art set. He might take after his mamma more than previously thought:)
We ended the day with our night time ritual of prayers and kisses (as you can see, we milk as many as we can, since this is the only time of day he will plant one on us:)
Now back to cleaning, baking, and bed making, b/c my bestie will be here before sundown. Can't hardly wait!


ColleenDown said...

James is our little superman!! I love the gazebo--did you get a new table to put in there? No wonder you haven't gotten dressed today, if you have been stringing lights-not that you would look too bad to skype, but I understand now. Love the video, I don't feel so far away--now you have to teach him to blow kisses--really far!

Katelyn said...

That video was so sweet! I am glad James had such a fun birthday. Have a fun time with Kimme!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm here in your spare room waiting for u to wake up! I've been awake since 5:00 (my time) because I can't believe im here!!! Love how cute James is! The pic of him running is fabulous.

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