Sunday, May 29, 2011

10 Things My Toddler has taught me...

While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.~Angela Schwindt
1) A light sprinkling of sand or dirt is good for your soul...(as well as exfoliating for your skin.)
2) Bathing more than once a day is okay.

3) Seashells are like small worlds, filled with mystery, wonder, and sometimes critters too.

(Our neighbor finds these Conch shells and sells them to tourists down the beach.)

4) Sprinklers can be more entertaining than an expensive water park... or in our case, a pristine sandy beach.
5) If I just run around trying to keep up with James I can nix my aerobic routine.

(Ha Ha... even rocks are happier here in the Bahamas. John looked down in the ocean water and saw this creepy stone smiling up at him.)

6) The first bite of watermelon this season is worth running around like a crazed lunatic.

7) Birthday cake before bed is bliss.

8) Hugs make up for toddler temper tantrums.

9) Making friends is a cinch even if they don’t speak your same language...just smile and point.

10) Falling asleep, spoon in hand, means it’s been a perfect day of play.


Heather said...

Ha, love it! I especially find number 9 to be so true, and number 8.

Chelsea said...

We still have lucifee!! they love each other kisses and purring! its so cute i will have to get a pic of it! I Love your post!

Anonymous said...

that beach looks sooooo heavenly! it is what we used to dream about in middle school, high school, and college! definitely gonna need you to bring me back some of that sand...hope chris likes the feel of it in the sheets :)

Missy said...

If a picture is worth a thousand words, I will never catch up with your ability to blog! I love all the pictures and seeing what you are doing!

cathyg said...

Oops, that was me on Missy's account!

ColleenDown said...

Will you buy me a conch shell from your neighbor--those are amazing! I don't really care if it is edible. Maybe you should change the name of where you are staying to Jamestown. Just in case you were wondering it is now officially the wettest spring in the past 150 years since they started keeping records--of course we don't mind it is just like running around in the sprinklers right? The only problem is the 34 degree temperature. Glad to see that you are learning so much about parenthood on your sabbatical-I guess it all boils down to get a "sandbox" and then "don't worry, be happy"

lulu said...

i bet it is so fun to watch james explore so many new things while there in the bahamas. he is going to be so well-rounded after all these changes of scenery!

Romney said...

I love your list! And I love all your pictures! Hope you guys are still having a blast!

cap said...

oh he is such a cutie!! I LOVE all the pics!!

The Vreelands said...

Awww...he is so cute. It is true, my son definitely teaches me so much about life. It's like they don't have a care in the world. It looks like you guys are having a lot of fun and making some great memories.

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