Saturday, May 28, 2011

Crossing Atlantis off our list...

We visited the lost world of Atlantis on Paradise Island earlier this week. The grounds were lovely, the aquarium was astounding, and the little town was picture perfect. But it was a little too much like Las Vegas for our taste (lots of tourists, casinos, and high prices). So I think we’ll stick to our quiet side of the island for the rest of the month.

Hearing James say whoa, whooa, whooooa at all the fish was so cute, we might be willing to pay the big bucks again. But thanks to youtube, now we can just push play when we want to relive our fun day:)

This shell fish Conch is a staple in the Bahamian diet. I ate it raw in a salad and I've been craving it ever since... even though this slimy guy doesn't look very appetizing.

We seem to do this a lot lately in all the hotel lobbies. Rest our tired feet until our toddler tells us it is time to go.
A few yachts of the mega rich.

Well that's our day in a turtle shell. TGIF!


Anonymous said...

did you take that pic of the turtle? so cute! all the pics are great, I especially like the one of James and the giant shark behind the glass. been thinking about you guys tons, looks like all is well in paradise :)

ColleenDown said...

A day at the aquarium always renews my faith in God and reminds me that He is an artist--there is no place on earth that shows creativity run wild--no boundaries. Adding James to the mix just makes the "Underwater MOA" more affirming. Who knew Atlantis was so Atlantic City--I would probably be like you though..."get me back to my private beach!" The turtle shot is amazing--I am pretty sure you took it because I have watched you face to face with turtles before!

Katelyn said...

That aquarium looks like heaven! That would definitely be my kind of day. The video of you and James is so adorable! It brought tears to me eyes because I miss you guys so much. Keep posting!

lulu said...

i love feeling like i'm under the sea. if i had a super power i would want it to be that i could breath under water for sure!
that town with the colorful shops looks so fun. i love your posts! keep them coming!

Heather said...

Those are way crazier creatures than you find at the Utah aquarium. I'm surprised you don't like escargot, but love that giant sea snail.

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